
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tax Time of Year

I think I can safely say, unequivocally, the worst time of year for me is tax return preparation time. It's weird, I know, because so many people look forward to this time of year in anticipation of a refund. I, on the other hand, stress out and melt down, for reasons unknown. And it's even more weird that I mentally melt down in light of the fact all of the years I've filed, both single and joint, for most of them I've not had to pay.
The first year Brian and I were married I was intent on doing our taxes the old fashioned way, same as I'd done for every year previously, with the exception of when I was barely 22 and the ex and I paid some guy who was supposed to be a professional. And that year we had to pay! Well OK, so that year we were both employed with no dependents whereas most of the following years I did not work full time and we did have dependents.
Nevertheless, from there on out I always did the paper fill out and file and far as I knew it worked fine. Then I marry Brian and he wants to use a program and file on-line. I was leery of this form of technology. I certainly didn't want to plug my SS# into the great unknown called the internet. So I was stressing over the paper forms and really freaking out when it appeared we were up against paying Oregon State yet even more money!! all the while getting barely anything back from the Feds.
About that time Brian gathered up all our tax papers, forms and files and said he was taking them to work. I was so worked up and stressed I was glad to hand them over. Turns out his boss had a professional type tax program and wonder of wonder and miracle of miracles we ended up with a decent refund from the Feds and even got something back from the state. Brian has taken in and had our taxes done every year since then. And the outcome has always been decent for us.
So, why, you may ask, do I reach maximum mental stress every year at tax prep time? I don't know. I wish I did know. This is something I've yet to figure it out.
Fast forward from our early married years and life gets more complicated. Now we have single young adult kids who want the parents to help (interpretation "do”) their taxes for them. Brian says they are big kids; they can go on-line and do their own taxes. That worked out fine when they were at home. The oldest daughter moved out of state recently and she determined H&R Block was next best thing to parents. But what do you do when your son is active duty military and calls home and says he's going to be out in the field for a month in preparation for deployment and would you be willing to "do" his taxes. Sure I could have said "hey, you've got a few days before you go out, go and get them done by someone local". But no, I don't do that. Let’s face it, that's not the way this mom rolls. I've been doing for my kids for all these years and now they are getting fairly independent. So, when they ask me to do for them, I still feel needed.
But oh what a price this one was, I mean taxes...really... What was I thinking!?! I've stressed for at least two weeks now with the nagging belief I needed to get them done. And I've pestered and reminded Brian as my anxiety mounted. He'd tell me to "go on-line, it's easy". I'd respond, "But I want you to be here, you know-to walk me through it in-case I hit a snag". So, tonight we sat down at my laptop to tackle this beast.
Let me surmise the event by saying; it's a wonder we aren't marching straight toward divorce court. He, clearly, had other ways he wanted to spend his evening. I, naturally, was stressed and apparently it came across clearly. Not a good combination.
Conclusion: it's a good thing my son should have a week of leave early in April. That should give him plenty of time to quickly submit his forms online, because in reality, with this new technology, it really is easy; that is apparently for most everyone except maybe me

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